Well now that Death Knights are pretty much in full swing and pwning things from instances to Wintergrasp more and more people WANT to be a deathknights. I know I’ve seen a cycle in the amount of Deathknights that have started leveling again. So we’re back to, “well how do I level a death knight as quickly as possible?” Again the answer is pretty simple. GET A LEVELING GUIDE.
Zygor Guide provides THE BEST starting Deathknight leveling guide, taking you from 55 to your new zone in a very short time. Even if you’re already done with the starting zone you’re still going to have to navigate anywhere between 15-20 levels and they aren’t small levels either.
Questing is still hands down the fastest way to level in wow and leveling a death knight is not an exception. With quest helper and some of the other “free” quest helpers either getting nuked or shutting them selves down more and more people are being left out in the cold.
Don’t be one of those people. Zygor guide is still 100% grind free and 100% in game, no fuss and no mess. I’ve already leveled two Death Knights and I’ve used Zygor Guides on both of them.
Trust me when I say that if you want to save yourself hours and days of trudging along in outlands then you owe it to yourself to at least check out what Zygor has to offer. In all my days of showing people this guide I’ve only ever had 1 person not like it, I suspect he didn’t like life much though. Check it out and see what you think, simply click the image below to see how you can get your trial copy today:
Yes having a Death Knight leveling guide makes as much sense as having a regular world of warcraft leveling guide does...if not more sense. Think about when you first started playing WOW and about how much you didn't know about what you had to do. After the first 10 levels when you start bouncing back and forth between zones time can get sucked right out of your levels. Why do that? There are countless Death Knight leveling guides already available. Zygor, iDemise, Joana's and Kopp's all offer leveling guides for Death Knights.
Get your Death Knight Leveling Guide...Click the Image
Let's be honest here. As much as we are going to enjoy WOTLK(can't wait to install it today) we'll enjoy it about 100 times more when we're level 80. Same thing will hold true for Death Knights. We'll enjoy being a level 80 Death Knight much more than we'll enjoy being a lvl 55 Death Knight. That being said stop waisting your time with trying to figure out what to do next or where to turn in so and so's head, paw, claw, etc and take a look at any of the above guides for simple, built in quest information.
Zygor guides continues to reign on top and as I've said before, Dugis is a close second, but if you're new to wow or to a certain zone then you definately want to go for Zygor...and as NO ONE really has any experience with leveling a Death Knight I would recommend getting Zygor Guides.
To try out your own Zygor LEVELING GUIDE simply click this text.
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