The latest in Dugis WOTLK Leveling guides was recently unleashed and it’s seen amazing results. They recently put out their WOTLK Dailies Quest Guide, which is basically an addition to their leveling guide addon.
I suppose it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to use the same skills Dugis used in creating their leveling guide to create a very unique WOTLK Dailies guide. Guess what? It didn’t take a rocket scientist and that’s exactly what the Dugis team did. They took the experience they had from creating one of the games best leveling guides and threw all that knowledge at a WOTLK Dailies guide.
Now instead of running around Northrend aimlessly trying to decide if you need to do A first then B or B then A, Dugi’s WOTLK Dailies quest guide basically gives you an optimal route to use in order to go from no rep and no gold to Exalted rep and tons of gold in a very, very short time.
Here’s what’s really sad. WOTLK and Warcraft in general has been around for years now and Dailies quests have been around for almost as long and this is the first in game dailies quest mod out there
If you haven’t given it a try yet you have to check it out. For more info on Dugi’s WOTLK Dailies Quest Guide, which is basically an in game walkthrough of all the WOTLK dailies, check it out below. Simply click on the image and get ready to get some rep and gold. (25 dailies in 2 hours)
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