Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to make gold in world of warcraft - Free WOW gold secrets

SO I’m sure you’ve heard of people making 60g an hour and getting an epic mount in 1 week starting from scratch, the real question is . . . are they lying?

Truth be told I seriously doubt 1 week without playing 24 hours a day...BUT 1.5 weeks. Sure why not.

One of the least fun things about World of Warcraft is grinding for experience and/or gold. That is unless you’re making serious gains in either department...then it’s just plain fun.

So to focus on the gold aspect we’ll take a little look at one of the simplest ways to average 40-60 per hour consistently...and quite honestly you can do much, much more given certain drops, but to stay conservative I’m going to pretty much guarantee 40-60 gold per hour.

Now you could quest and get gold, this is a very simple way to hit that 40-60 mark. If you’re not level 70 yet I would highly recommend this. Again optimization is key here; knowing how to finish the most quests in the least amount of time (see zygor guides on how to do this)
Farming for mats is also pretty effective as well but really becomes a money maker once you’ve gotten your flying mount as it’s much easier to go from spot to spot farming things out. Skinning or mining are best IMHO as you can skin tons fast and you can get gems from mining as well as the amount of gold a 20 stack of adamantite or fel iron go for on auction house.

So I’m going to do the unthinkable and tell you where the best mithril mining spot is and then I’m going to tell you the best spot to go grind for greens and silver.

First the mithril. On deathwing a stack of mithril will sell for roughly 2 stacks is 50-60 gold. So how do you get that so quickly? Believe it or not you can find mining veins in get this...MINES. Yeah crazy right? I’ve found the best spot to be in badlands. Right near the top middle of the map near the grave yard is a mine. In that mine there are approximately 15-20 veins of mithril and thorium which all respawn at a damn good rate. On my best hour with gems and such I’ve made upwards of 120g per hour. You can ideally start doing this at around level 50 I believe...forgive me it’s been some time since I went there and didn’t just steam roll everything. So yeah if you see Boneshank on deathwing tell him I told you about his mining spot...he’s gonna kill me;P

There are a few people in wow who simply cannot sell things on the auction house. Either because you don’t get how to price things or simple no one likes them, if this is you I’ll show you how to grind for some serious gold pretty quickly.

There are a few spots in outlands that regenerate tons of mobs that are easy to kill and they drop several good things. One is silver. Yeah it’s only silver but if you kill 10 guys and they drop 10 silver each you’ve just made a gold my friend. Now if you can kill 10 guys in 2 minutes you’ve just made a gold in 2 minutes...or 30g an hour. Not bad. Now what if those same 10 dropped 2 greens and a various assortment of greys and or nether weave cloth? Well then yeah your Gold per hour ratio is simply going to jump off the charts.

Usually I don’t recommend grinding out for gold, but that’s because I can mine. There have been times though when I needed 20 or 30 gold really quickly and the following spot has not failed to deliver. Right outside Shatt you’ll see in the south east section of the zone outside shatt a small camp, I can never remember the name so forgive me, I just call it Goldy Land...I suspect that’s not the official name.

At any rate, if you start on one side of this camp and walk to the other side killing everything in between you’re gonna make 10-20g in silver drops and greens. I’ve not seen a place drop more greens than in this little area. The greens range in VENDOR sales price of 2-10g. Obviously if you want you can auction the good stuff for much, much more. Did I mention these guys drop greys? Did you know a grey weapon will sell for 1-4 gold? Yeah a grey for 1-4 gold. Sell 2 of those and you just added 2-8 gold to your total average on the hour. Did I mention the nether weave they drop as well? No well they drop nether weave too. Auction or make bandages...or auction your bandages...whatever your pleasure is.

I hope this helps out a bit. Admittedly this are not the 2 BEST ways to make gold, but for some people these 2 way will simply put your gold production at 5x what it currently is.

Now if you want to go 10-20x your normal gold production then you seriously have to check out the gold guide on the top left portion of this blog. OR CLICK HERE

Hands down the best gold grinding guide out there right now.

1 comment:

  1. Your web is great!! I learned something about WOW here!!!!
