Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Making wow gold on the Auction House

Guide to using the Auction House to make WOW gold.
Much like the stock market it is possible to make gold using the Auction House, and yes it really is as simple as buying low and selling high... and at the same time just as complicated.

First and foremost you’re going to need to get the Auctioneer add on. Really you could do it without this add on but since it’s free why bother? is where you can get this add on. While you’re there go ahead and get the bottom scanner too. Now you're ready to start making gold on the auction house.

Ok what this add on will allow you to do is scan the entire auction house. Yes it take about 10 minutes but it’s worth it. What this does is looks at the current prices on the auction house and gives you an average price over time. So you’ll need to do this 2-4 times in a week period to get a good average of what items sell for on the auction house. Once you’ve established a reasonable average price you can begin to “Bottom Scan”, you’ll see tabs in your auction house interface window, one of them is bottom scanner. Hit the yellow play button in the upper left corner and watch it go.

Bottom Scanner is going to look at every listing and check it against the average price you’ve already established and it’ll give you a little message showing you how much you stand to gain. For instance if your average on a Righteous orb price has been 10g an orb and the bottom scanner sees a stack of 5 righteous orbs for 5 gold each then it will tell you to purchase this and post it back on the auction house. Making you 5g an orb. Not to bad for buying and re-listing.

Auctioneer comes with a tab “Appraiser” which will let you click on an item in your bag interface and then it will suggest a price and you can post your item as based on the average from your scans.

It tells you what to buy, how much gold you'll make, then it tells you what price to post things at.

All you have to do is do it really.

Simple right? It really is but here are a few things you need to watch out for.
1. There’s always some clever person (a jerk) who will post an Orb at 99999g per Orb. I believe this is done intentionally to screw with numbers. So what you need to do is always check with “appraiser” as you can see the per item price on the current market. If you see this is way out of wack then simply eye ball your post, making sure to undercut while still making a profit. The idea is to turn items around not buy everything and price it so high you’ll never sell it.

2. Not all things sell. Gear is usually harder to sell unless you have a twink item, an epic, or a good green. I’ve noticed the suffixes –of the Champion, -of the Bandit, and –of the Monkey will generally sell for a pretty penny. There are a few key item groups that sell, I’ve already listed one here, Enchanting mats. In fact Auctioneer will suggest low green items that you can buy and disenchant and then post the mats for a profit.

Use your imagination and tweek things to what you know. Keep an eye on prices and it is more than realistic to have over 200g a day coming in with little to no time invested, and much more than that if you decide to get serious.

If you need more advice on making gold check out this gold guide which gives advice like this and much, much more. GOOD GOLD GUIDE

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to drop a comment and I’ll be more than happy to answer for you.

Good luck.

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