Monday, May 11, 2009

Deathknight Leveling Guide and a 6 Year Old

Deathknight Leveling Guide and a 6 Year Old

I’ve made the claim over and over again that Deathknights are grossly OP and I’ve made the claim that getting a leveling guide for your Deathknight was a smart move, I will now tell you a story that will tie them both together.

I am a father of 4 with a 15 year old who love’s World of Warcraft. I also have a 6 year old who has been playing since he was just a week over 5. Now when I say playing I mean grinding Ore for daddy. Yeah it’s me taking advantage, but the way I see it he loves the idea of beating up Boars in Outlands and farming fel iron for me, so who am I to get in the way of his happiness?

About 2 weeks my oldest son decided to show my younger son that he could start a deathknight, so he did and now I lost my grinder :(.

Did you know that a 6 year old can effectively use Dugis wow leveling guide to take a horde DK from start to level 65 in a little less than 2 weeks while only playing an hour and a half a day, with 2 hours max on the weekend? WITH NO HELP FROM DADDY other than picking which add ons to use? Now if a 6 year old can manage this ALL WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO READ imagine what someone who can read will be able to accomplish. Seriously my son has gone through the guide step by step and all with no help. What do you suppose that says about the strength Dugis leveling guides? I would say it’s a very strong testament to just how effective the guides are. Seriously if you’re looking for a Deathknight leveling guide Dugis is definitely an awesome pick. If you want to get some more information on Dugis Leveling Guide click the picture above or follow this link: CLICK HERE

So on to the OVERPOWEREDNESS of death knights.

Here’s how I know a Death knight is overpowered.

MY 6 YEAR OLD consistently ranks in the top 5 for either damage, HK, or Killing blows in every BG he’s done. Oh it’s grand to watch him chew people up in BG. My older son and I will watch him play sometimes and just laugh. Just this weekend I told my oldest, “do you suppose I should tell the 2 guys your brother just soloed that they got rocked by a 6 year old who can’t read and literally spammed keys 1-6?”

Not that my 6 year old isn’t good at BG’s, but trust me when I say he’s not following any previously established “Skill rotation”. So what does this tell me? Well it tells me that quite literally ANYONE can throw some blues on a DK and open up a PWN shop in any BG, even in AV.

What mystifies me still is that even when other DK’s (I’m assuming being controlled by NON-six year olds) are in the same BG they fall below my 6 year old? Seriously guys what are you doing?

That has me wondering then, if other people, who I’m assuming are older than 6 years old, are playing in the same BG against the same competition and my 6 year old son is still outperforming them does that mean my 6 year old is doing something right?

I guess I’ll have to monitor his strategy a little more closely from now on to pick up on his PVP technique and steal a move or two.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more! Deathknights are very OP'erd, but, they are fun to play. Does seem a little silly though that someone that is less skilled can play a class and beat you 1v1.
    If you get a chance, check out my
    WoW Strategy Guide website. Thanks!
